Cash: $ 15.48
Accrued Dividends: 337.00
Interest Accruals: (7.50)
Stocks: 120,665.58
Options: (8,294.33)
Account Value: $112,716.23
Equity: $120,912.18
Margin Requirement: 73,669.98
Available Funds: 47,242.20
Regulation T Margin Requirement: 102,157.88
Special Memorandum Acct: 37,567.91
The account value of $112,716.23 compares with the value a month earlier of $114,712.06, a return of -1.74%. However, this does not take into account $2,500.00 withdrawn from the account during the month. Adding this in to the final value gives a return for the month of 0.44%.
This compares with the change in the S&P 500 Index from 1,412.16 to 1,416.18. Adding an estimate of a quarter percent dividend payment (one twelfth of 3%), this gives a return of 0.53% for the S&P 500, so my portfolio underperformed the market in the month of November.
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